Kolekcija mapa Ravne Zemlje koje su bile normalna stvar

Kolekcija mapa Ravne Zemlje koje su bile normalna stvar

The Piri Reis Map of 1513


Flat Earth Map – Monte, Urbano (1544–1613)


Arctic continent on the Gerardus Mercator map of 1595


Giovanni Domenico Cassini / Jean Baptiste Nolin: Planisphere Terrestre … 1696


Map of the heavens and the earth – 1699


Planisphere Terrestre, Suivant les nouvelles Observations des Astronomes – 1713


Planisphere Representant Toute L’Etendue Du Monde Dans L’Ordre Qu’on A Suivi Dans Ce Livre – 1790


Middletons Pioneer Map of the World, plane and immoveable – 1876


Alexander Gleason’s New Standard Map of the World Flat Earth – 1892

LINK – 31.4MB version


The Orlando Ferguson flat earth map – 1893

Canadian Arctic Expedition Map 1913


Air Map of the World Polar Azimuthal Equidistant Projection – 1943


CBS American School of the Air – Air Age Map of the World


Hammond’s AIR AGE MAP OF THE WORLD – 1953


The New correct map of the flat surface, stationary earth by John George Abizaid (1920).


The Flat Earth Society Map (Charles K. Johnson)


The General Map of the World by the Flat Earth Society


World Polar Azimuthal Equidistant Projection


Various other maps



















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Flat Earth - Ravna Zemlja Karte ravne zemlje